(from NAAEE) — New England, New Mexico, Kentucky, Oregon and Utah have joined California, Colorado and Maryland as part of the EECapacity State Consortia network. State Consortia receive funding to develop capacity and networking for EE and related practitioners within their state/region. Each state consortium will include at least 20 educators representing a diversity of organizations such as community based groups, churches, zoos, nature centers, schools, government nature preserves, parks and similar organizations that are committed to learning from each other, exchanging perspectives and participating in a series of workshops and online learning opportunities for a period of one year or longer. Representatives from each state consortium will attend the NAAEE conference where they will participate in professional development training, networking and developing strategies to grow their networks. Each year, the EECapacity project will award up to five new State Consortia through a national solicitation in an effort to continue growing capacity and diversifying the scope of the EE field. The United States Environmental Protection Agency funds the EECapacity Project through a cooperative agreement with the Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab.
For more information, go to http://www.eecapacity.net