
1. Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators

The Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators Program, a partnership between the CEQ and the EPA, recognizes outstanding K-12 teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education and use the environment as a context for learning for their students. Teachers from each EPA region will be selected to receive the award. The deadline for application is January 31, 2013.

2. Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge

siemenslogoThe Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is a national environmental sustainability competition for grades K–12. Students learn about science and conservation through project-based learning. The website offers tools to help integrate the challenge into their curriculum. The deadline for entry is March 5, 2013.
AXA App Dashboard

3. edudemic

This website offers a platform dedicated to what’s next in learning by connecting technology, emerging trends, social media, and culture. The website focuses on social media applications, flexible learning frameworks, and more. While the website is packed, the article headlines offer a good summary of what you’ll find – often a numbered list such as The 18 Best Free Web Tools Chosen By You, or The 5 Biggest Ways Students Actually Want To Use Technology. Check out 10 STEM Apps To Teach About The Environment.

4. GLOBE Citizen Science Campaigns

globeatnightTwo GLOBE Citizen Science Campaigns include GLOBE at Night, an international citizen-science campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution, and GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign, which aims to engage students in measuring, investigating, and understanding the climate system in their local communities and around the world.

5. Mystery Class – Exploring Sunlight and the Seasons

journey-northTeachers and students are invited to participate this winter and spring in Journey North’s Mystery Class project, January 28-May 10, 2013, in which students try to find ten secret classes hiding around the globe using the changing sunlight at each site as the clue.

6. National EE Week

eeweekThe theme for National Environmental Education Week 2013, April 14-20, 2013, is Greening STEM: Taking Technology Outdoors. Register to take advantage of this year’s offerings and to learn more about the theme. Check out the suggested Top 10 Apps for Taking Tech Outside.