1. Environmental Literacy Grants

NOAA’s Office of Education has issued a request for applications for projects designed to build the capacity of educators to use NOAA data and data access tools to help K-12 students and/or the public understand and respond to global change. Applicants should be collaborative teams of two or more U.S. institutions or non-profit U.S. aquariums, The deadline for entry is March 12, 2013

juniorduckstamp2. Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service oversees the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program. Students are invited to create duck stamp drawings to show what they have learned about wetlands habitat and waterfowl conservation. Check the website for details. Most state deadlines for submission are March 15, 2013.


ThacherEnvContest3. Thacher Environmental Research Contest

The Thacher Environmental Research Contest, held by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, challenges students in grades 9-12 to conduct innovative research demonstrating the best uses of geospatial tools and data to study the Earth. The deadline for entry is April 15, 2013.

4. Ocean Exploration Workshops

NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Program and partners offer the Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection, How Do We Explore? Professional Development Workshop for Educators. Participants will receive curriculum with CD-ROM’s, certificates of participation, and more. Contact the noted educator or check out the website for registration and more information.
• April 6, 2013 with Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon. The deadline for registration is March 15, 2013. Contact Tracy Crews at


arcgis-online-poster5. ArcGIS Online

Field data from water quality to tree species to wildlife sightings can be mapped and analyzed within a web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping environment. ArcGIS Online is available for free online and allows users to upload data, map it, and more. Check out the featured maps and apps.

6. Climate Change & Biodiversity Curriculum

species_logoThe Center for Essential Science at the University of Michigan has developed SPECIES (Students Predicting the Effects of Climate In Ecological Systems), an eight to twelve-week online curriculum that focuses on climate change and climate change impacts. The curriculum fuses core science content with scientific practices and includes a species distribution modeling tool for teaching students about the effects of warming temperatures on biological communities. Check out the archived webinar, example lessons, and further information about trying out the curriculum.



7. Endangered Species Act 40th Anniversary

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, co-administrator of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) with NOAA Fisheries, has already kicked off their ESA 40th celebration. The website offers This Day in History, Media Kit/Resources, Know Your Species, and more. Be sure to also check out the NOAA Fisheries and Endangered Species Day websites for resources, events, and more.