Teaching about the Rainforest

Warren Marchioni, Frances Vandervoort, Frank Hinerman, Ann Stocker, and Judy Kemlitz – 1991 Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute

Classroom Ideas

*  Try to germinate tropical plant seeds in the classroom and have students determine the best conditions for plant growth (high humidity and warm temperatures.) Either order seeds (see Resources) or have students save seeds from tropical fruits they eat.

*   Visit a local botanical garden or conservatory so students can see the variety of tropical plants in the world.

*   Many large zoos have tropical rainforest exhibits. Before you take your class to the zoo, find out what materials are available from the zoo’s education department. Use them to prepare your students for a meaningful visit.

*  Examine a variety of tropical fruits and seeds and have students determine the seeds’ means of dispersal. (Students will find a variety of dispersal methods, reflecting the variety of the rainforest’s flora and fauna.) (more…)