Conservation & Sustainability

Zoos and Aquariums to the Rescue

    by Jon Biemer Zoos and aquariums help heal our planet. In addition to wonderful experiential and educational activities, many zoos and aquariums have committed themselves to species rescue and recovery. I am a student of strategies that can create a healthier...

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Food Waste and Climate Change

PEI Offers Food Waste and Climate Change Storyline Workshop for Teachers Despite being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the United States is also one of the most wasteful. America holds the dubious distinction of throwing away more food than every other...

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All You Need is Love

Four Lessons in Global Education from the Beatles By Sean Gaillard, June 19, 2017 Editor's note: Sean Gaillard, principal of Lexington Middle School in Lexington, North Carolina, is a huge proponent of international collaboration for students in his school. In this...

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Reframing Sustainability

Reframing Sustainability Peter Denton, Ph.D. Keynote Address - EECOM Conference 2016, International Peace Gardens peaking here today is kind of like preaching to the choir. It is great to have a friendly crowd who does not think a polar icecap is the name of some new...

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Environmental Handprints

  Environmental Educators Create Handprints   by Jon Biemer he Handprint is a paradigm whose time has come. The Handprint motivates by focusing on the positive ways to think about sustainability and follow through with appropriate action. Over the past...

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4-H Urban-Rural Exchange

By being on the land and walking in the shoes of their host families, students begin to understand more deeply how and why Oregonians manage the land the way they do. By Maureen Hosty With contributions from Gary Delaney, Deb Schreiber, John Williams, Jed Smith and...

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Earth Day

Although this article was written in 1996, and contains references to events and people from that era, much of Weilbacher's critique remains relevant today.  -Ed.   Every Day is NOT Earth Day Reflections on the True Meaning of Earth Day by Mike Weilbacher 'll...

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Bird Language

Creating the Need to Pay Attention Field trips and adventures in the woods are tremendously important experiences for children, especially those students that don’t often get to spend time in a natural setting. Some of the most important, lasting results of good...

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The Heart of Sustainability: Big Ideas from the Field of EE

Big Ideas from the field of Environmental Education and their Relationship to Sustainability Education — or — What’s love got to do with it? . . By Donald J. Burgess and Tracy Johannessen Introduction common raven suddenly begins to call from Cornwall Park. I rush to...

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Cool School Challenge – Students Take Action!

The Cool School Challenge engages schools from all across the country in strategies to reduce CO2 emissions by Katie Fleming, Rhonda Hunter & Kimberly Cline Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, melting glaciers – oh my!  While climate change is an...

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The Case for the Earth

We need new strategies to preserve the habitability of the planet. by David Orr TRADING STORIES one day about smart animals, I heard from an old farmer who described a wily fox that appeared at the edge of a clearing in which his dog was tethered to a pole in the...

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The Empire Strikes Out

by Kenny Ausubel For all the chatter about the Age of Information, we really seem to be entering the Age of Biology. We didn't invent nature. Nature invented us. Nature bats last, as the saying goes and, more importantly, it's her playing field. We would do well to...

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Humane Education for a Humane World

Humane education examines the challenges facing our planet, from human oppression and animal exploitation to materialism and ecological degradation.  It explores how we might live with compassion and respect for everyone. by Zoe Weil In 1987, I offered several courses...

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A Zoo is a Great Educational Tool

by Rex Ettlin Education Program Coordinator Oregon Zoo First I have to tip my hat in apology to aquariums, wildlife parks and educational farms. Since I work in a zoo that’s what I can talk about. But the idea of a zoo as an effective educational tool applies equally...

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