CLEARING is initiating a program to publish special single-theme focused issues that will be developed and coordinated with the assistance of guest editors. These themed issues will focus on timely topics within the field of environmental education, and will compile invited papers from educators, including interviews, book reviews, lesson plans, and other resources for that topic.



Guest Editor
Position Description

CLEARING is an academic and practical resource for researchers, practitioners, and educators alike.  The mission of CLEARING is to support environmental literacy and place-based environmental education.

CLEARING Magazine is inviting interested individuals to serve as guest editor for a special issue of CLEARING focusing on a topic of their choice. Guest editors will work with the CLEARING editor-in-chief to coordinate development and production of the issue. Special themed issues will be published online and in print in conjunction with regular issues of the publication. The guest editor is responsible for the intellectual content of the issue itself and the manuscripts that comprise it. This includes not only securing articles from authors, but also reviewing them, working with authors to make necessary revisions, and arranging for review. In addition to the special issues section, the volume will include interviews with practitioners, book reviews, lesson plans, and other resources.
See below for more details.

Guest editors for CLEARING Magazine are expected to:
● Select potential authors (usually leading authors in the field) as invited contributors. Each guest edited issue should feature up to three invited articles.
● Prepare and circulate a call for papers through professional networks.
● Select and allocate reviewers for submitted and invited papers.
● Write an editorial introduction to the volume.

Proposals for guest editorship should be submitted electronically to the Editor-in-Chief, Name (email) and include the following:
● A short motivation letter explaining the stakes, expected impact, target readership, and timeliness of the proposed issue.
● The proposed title of the issue.
● A call for papers (no more than 300 words).
● Name, affiliations, contact information, and short biographical information about the guest editor.
● A selection of recent literature relevant to the proposed issue.
● A list of potential invited authors. Providing a list of authors already willing to submit papers to the proposed volume as invited contributors is particularly appreciated.
● A pool of potential authors and reviewers.
● Reference to any past or forthcoming scientific event (conferences or workshops) that
may provide relevant contributors to the volume, if applicable.

Editor-in-Chief has the final decision-making responsibility for acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts submitted to the journal.

Sponsorship of Special-Focus Issues of CLEARING

We are seeking partners, sponsors, and donors to support the development and distribution of peer-reviewed special focus issues of CLEARING.


Special focus issues utilize guest editors to gather cutting edge research and resources on critical topics in environmental education. These issues are then made available to teachers and educators throughout the country. Currently, special focus topics include (with planned publication date):

  • justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in environmental education (Fall 2021)
  • teaching for ocean literacy and sustainable seas (Spring 2022)
  • developing schoolgrounds for interdisciplinary nature study (Fall 2022)


What your sponsorship means

Your sponsorship of special focus issues of CLEARING wiil demonstrate your valued support for teachers, educators, and programs promoting environmental literacy, critical thinking, and citizenship. CLEARING can help you connect with people who want to learn about your organization and its work.

CLEARING special focus issue sponsorship provides critical support for all components of publishing, including printing, distribution, and overhead for a single issue.

Price: $2500.00

Contact the Editor at to set up your sponsorship now!


Past partners:

North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
Gray Family Foundation
Southern Oregon University
Portland General Electric
Oregon State University
University of Washington/IslandWood